Kingdom Dynamics What if there was more to your life than you realized? Suppose there were no limits to what you could do? What if there were a Kingdom Power in you to do the impossible? What would you do? How would your life be different?
There is Kingdom Power within you! Are you ready to release it? Discover and learn how to release that power today in this well written, revelation filled, eye opening book “Kingdom Dynamics” by Allen Forbes.
An Asset. What is an Asset? We know that it is the opposite of a liability (moneys owed; debts or pecuniary obligations). We were taught that assets appreciate in value as oppose to decreasing in value. We are told that the more assets we have the bigger and better our net worth. We have also been conditioned to think that owning real estate, securities, cash, inventories, and notes are the assets that we need to acquire. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having these assets. However, I would not want you to chase after these assets and miss your greatest one.
It turns out that one thing we were taught about assets is true. Assets are about having ownership. Your greatest asset is not something that you can put on a financial balance sheet or necessarily pull out and show someone. Your greatest asset is within (it is your mind connected to the Kingdom of God). It is not just what we own externally but what we own internally that gives us our true net worth.
Jesus put it this way in Luke 17:21 (NKJV) nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” It is when we can connect our minds to the Kingdom of God that is within us that all things become possible. When we truly connect with this kingdom power that is on the inside of every believer then we will truly walk out the destiny, vision and purpose of God for our lives!
Allen Forbes
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God bless you and may you dominate in your purpose!